#3 Class I Occlusolingual Ag Preparation
Isthmus Width: 0.8 - 1.2 mm
RGS 2/3 (W)
Dovetail Extensions: 0.25 - 0.5 mm
RGS 1 (W)
Axial Depth: 1.0 - 1.5 mm
RGS 3/4 (W)
NEW TERMS (explained ~semi~ jargon free for better understanding)
Axial Wall: The internal wall created by the length of your bur when dropping the bur (on the sides of the tooth)
Axiopulpal Line Angle: The border between your pulpal floor and axial wall
Gingival Floor: The floor created by the head of your bur when dropping the bur (on the sides of the tooth)
Axial Depth: The length between the axiogingival line angle (border between axial wall and gingival wall) and the other edge of your gingival floor
In this case (remember, not always the same), the length of the gingival floor buccopalatally
*TIP: Think of your occlusolingual prep as a waterfall when viewed distally. The water flows from the pulpal floor -> drops down the axial wall -> flows along the gingival floor
*REMEMBER: The angle between your axial wall and gingival floor/pulpal floor should be OBTUSE.
*REMEMBER: Retention grooves are within the point angles of the distolingual groove prep.