#3 Class I Occlusolingual Ag Preparation

Isthmus Width: 0.8 - 1.2 mm

  • RGS 2/3 (W)

Dovetail Extensions: 0.25 - 0.5 mm

  • RGS 1 (W)

Axial Depth: 1.0 - 1.5 mm

  • RGS 3/4 (W)

NEW TERMS (explained ~semi~ jargon free for better understanding)

Axial Wall: The internal wall created by the length of your bur when dropping the bur (on the sides of the tooth)

Axiopulpal Line Angle: The border between your pulpal floor and axial wall

Gingival Floor: The floor created by the head of your bur when dropping the bur (on the sides of the tooth)

Axial Depth: The length between the axiogingival line angle (border between axial wall and gingival wall) and the other edge of your gingival floor

  • In this case (remember, not always the same), the length of the gingival floor buccopalatally

*TIP: Think of your occlusolingual prep as a waterfall when viewed distally. The water flows from the pulpal floor -> drops down the axial wall -> flows along the gingival floor

*REMEMBER: The angle between your axial wall and gingival floor/pulpal floor should be OBTUSE.

*REMEMBER: Retention grooves are within the point angles of the distolingual groove prep.


#21 Class I Ag Preparation


#5 Class I Occlusal Ag Preparation